Design The Poster

For This Year’s Student Art Exhibition

Enter this year’s competition and your design could be selected as the “face” of the exhibition and seen by millions world wide! Previous winners have gone on to fame and fortune . . . or at least graduated. Pictured above is last year’s winning design by Ashley Gaillot.

Deadline: Monday March 1
Voting: Tuesday March 2

Here’s what you do
Create a postcard design
(front side only, winner will need to design back side + adapt card design to a poster design)
Design can be computer generated or made by hand
Any images used in the design must be your own
Pin up your design by Monday March 1 on the bulletin board outside of the printmaking studio
You may submit more than one design

The Details
Card size is 4″x6″
Front side of the card must include the following:

Saint Louis University
Annual Student Exhibition
April 23–May 4

Other information that may be put on the front of the card:
Preview Thursday April 22, 9:00–12:00
Opening Reception Friday April 23, 4:30–7:00
Boileau Hall

Good Luck! If you need help or have questions email

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