Great Show!

The 200 Show Opens
Great to see everyone out for the opening of this year’s 200 Show. We had a great turnout and as always a fantastic group of work from our students in the 200 level courses. Thanks to everyone who participated, came out for the night and helped make this event happen!

Art Season Opens!

Art Openings in the Neighborhood
Friday night has several great art openings within walking distance of campus. Get a group of friends together and walk over and check out the art and the scene.

Contemporary Art Museum
David Noonan and Emily Wardill: Sick Serena and Dregs and Wreck and Wreck
Friday September 9, 7:00–9:00
3750 Washington Blvd.

The Pulitzer Foundation for the Arts
Reflections of the Buddha
Friday September 9, 5:00–9:00
3716 Washington Blvd.

Bruno David Gallery
Leslie Laskey: S.E.N.T. (also Kelley Johnson, MoPA and William Morris)
Friday September 9, 5:00–9:00
3721 Washington Blvd.

PSTL Gallery
Desire In A Book
Friday September 9, 6:00–9:00
3842 Washington Blvd.

The Kemper Museum is not in the neighborhood but there will be a shuttle bus from the Pulitzer to the Kemper Museum from 5:30–9:00. See the schedule

Kemper Museum of Art
Precarious Worlds and Tomás Saraceno
Friday September 9, 7:00–9:00
1 Brookings Drive (on the Washington University Campus)


Craft Alliance Artists in Residence Show @ Boileau

We are fortunate to have an exhibition of the work of the current Artists in Residence from the Craft Alliance. Rachel Akin, Gina Rosienski and Rena Wood loaned us fantastic examples of their work for this exhibition. Last Friday’s opening was a great success. The exhibition runs through next weekend so if you didn’t make it out to the opening there’s still time to come to Boileau Hall and see the show. Thanks to Rachel, Gina and Rena!

Exhibition Openings This Friday

This Friday February 11 there are three great art exhibitions opening within walking distance of campus. Here’s the rundown:

First up, right here on campus at Boileau Hall is the opening of a great show featuring the work of the three artists in residence at Craft Alliance. The artists, Rachel Akin, Gina Rosienski and Rena Wood will be at the opening so stop by and talk to them about their work. After that great event walk a few blocks over to Spring and Washington and visit two more openings one at The Pulizter Foundation for the Arts and the other at Bruno David Gallery.

It should be a fantastic night for looking at art, meeting people and of course, people watching. Hope to see you out there.

The Artists in Residence from Craft Alliance
Boileau Hall

The Pulitzer Foundation for the Arts
3716 Washington Avenue

Christina Shmigel
Bruno David Gallery
3721 Washington Avenue


Great Work! Great Opening!

The annual 200 Show opened to great acclaim on Friday night. Although the official numbers aren’t in yet it seemed like a record crowd. As always the show couldn’t have happened without all the great work submitted by the artists and the opening wouldn’t have been any fun without all the people who came to see the work. Thanks to all who participated.