Great Show!

The 200 Show Opens
Great to see everyone out for the opening of this year’s 200 Show. We had a great turnout and as always a fantastic group of work from our students in the 200 level courses. Thanks to everyone who participated, came out for the night and helped make this event happen!

Enter the 200 Show!

It’s that time of year again. If you are enrolled in a 200 level studio art course (or you were last semester) you can submit work from the course for possible inclusion in this year’s 200 Show. Here’s how it works:

Monday November 21      11:00–6:00
Bring your work (limit of 5 pieces per person) to Wuller Hall (the ceramics/sculpture studio)
Fill out an entry form and leave your work for the jurors

The work will be juried in the evening.

Tuesday November 22       9:00–6:00
Pick up your work from Wuller Hall (the ceramics/sculpture studio)

Be sure to pick up your work! If you leave it in Wuller Hall it may get damaged or lost.

If your work was accepted you will need to take it with you and prepare it for the exhibition. This means making sure it looks great for the show—make sure it’s not curled up, put it in a window mat and if you really want to go all the way you can frame it too.

Tuesday November 29       12:00–5:00
Bring your work (if it was accepted into the show) to Boileau Hall where it will be installed for the show.

Friday December 2       4:30–7:00
Come to the opening reception and enjoy the show. Bring your friends!

Ask your professors if you have any questions about this process.


Great Work! Great Opening!

The annual 200 Show opened to great acclaim on Friday night. Although the official numbers aren’t in yet it seemed like a record crowd. As always the show couldn’t have happened without all the great work submitted by the artists and the opening wouldn’t have been any fun without all the people who came to see the work. Thanks to all who participated.